Source code text editor
Why another text editor?
Simple, I didn't like any of the others they
were all too flat ( sorry wrong sketch! ), anyway having used
gedit for years it was getting increasingly difficult to keep
it compiling without loads of gnome dependencies, looking
around Linux text editors seem to be VERY simple (leafpad)
stupidly complex (GVim,Bluefish), trying to be all things to
all people.
One of the best text editors I have used is BBEdit but that
is only available on the mac, so I bit the bullet and decided
to write my own with the best bits from BBEdit ( the name
KKEdit is a tip of the hat to BBEdit ), gedit and leafpad. A
simple uncluttered interface, no major dependencies, with
just the features I use all the time, and TA DAH!
What it's not!
KKEdit is NOT a word processor or a web page
editor, it is NOT and IDE! It won't right code for you, it
wont insist on inserting brackets ( REALLY annoying! ), it
wont force you to use any particular style, it doesn't need
you to break all your fingers trying to hit weird and
wonderful key combo's and it is not tied to one particular
distro, oh yes and it won't cost you a penny!
What it is and does
KKEdit is a deceptively simple text editor
with syntax colouring.
It also has a function menu which allows you to jump
instantly to a function definition, a navigation menu which
will look in all open files for a function definition and
then switch to that tab and go to the relevant line if it
can't find a definition in any open files it will do a
recursive search from the folder of the currently selected
document, you can also highlight a #include directive and it
will search for and try to open the file, include files
surrounded by <> will be looked for in /usr/include,
files surrounded by "" will be looked for in the current
External tools can be added either globally or locally and
when run can either replace the currently select text with
their output, replace all the files text, be run in a
terminal or you can choose to ignore the output form the
script, BASH, python and perl can be used for the script
language or any interpretor that uses '#' as a comment
A number of simple demo scripts are included in the folder
"demotoools" ( good name eh ).
You can drag and drop a file onto the main toolbar/menu to
open a file.
Session can be saved and reloaded.
Any amount of bookmarks can be added anywhere, selecting a
bookmark from the menu will switch to that tab and move to
the appropriate line.
Just type a line number into the edit box on the toolbar to
jump straight to that line.
Navigation Menu
Functions Menu
Tools Menu
Customize The Tool
Get It And
Build It
Bug Reporting
Navigation Menu
The Navigation menu has five sub-menus - Go To
Definition, Open Include File, Go To Line, Search For Define
and Search In Gtk-Docs.
To go where a function etc is defined, select it and choose 'Go
To Definition' KKEdit will then look in open files for the
definition and switch to that page and highlight the
appropriate line like so:
As you can see as the definition was not in an
open file KKEdit looks for the definition recursively starting
from the folder where the file was opened from and if found
opening the file and selecting the line with the
The search depth for finding a definition is set in the prefs
and defaults to 1 i.e. only looks for definitions in files in
the same folder as any open documents, be careful about setting
this too high as it can cause an unwanted delay when right
clicking if it has to look in a lot of sub-folders.
You can also open an include file just highlight the line and
select Open Include File like so:
Include files are looked for in either
/usr/include or the directory the current document is in,
depending whether the file name is surrounded by '<>' or
' "" '.
Search for Define will open an entry box and allow you to type
in a definition or part of a definition and will try to find it
in the usual places opening a file if necessary, the search is
case insensitive.
Functions Menu
The Functions menu contains a list of all
defined functions, variables and defines that are visible in
this file, to jump to the appropriate function definition just
select it from the menu like so:
The Functions menu will be updated after saving
a file or switching tabs.
You can select how the functions menu is displayed/sorted from
the preferences.
Tools Menu
The Tools menu allow you to run an external
script i.e. to open a terminal with the working directory set
to the folder where the current file is open:
External tools can either be added globally to
/usr/share/KKEdit/tools (if you have installed with
--prefix=/usr) or locally in ~/.KKEdit/tools.
External tools are passed four environment variables:
KKEDIT_CURRENTFILE - Path to current document.
KKEDIT_CURRENTDIR - Directory of current document.
KKEDIT_SELECTION - Currently selected text.
KKEDIT_DATADIR - Directory of global folder ( e.g.
/usr/share/KKEdit ).
KKEDIT_HTMLFILE- Temporary file for
displaying html in doc viewer
More variables may be defined later.
External tools are sorted by name
in the menu and edit tools dialog.
External tools can be created by hand or via the
'Tools->New' menu like so:
The place holders are:
%t - Currently selected text, the same as the $KKEDIT_SELECTION
environment variable passed to the command .
%f - Filepath of the current document, the same as the
$KKEDIT_CURRENTFILE environment variable passed to the
%d - Directory of the current document or ${HOME}, the same as
the $KKEDIT_CURRENTDIR environment variable passed to the
%i -The location of the globally installed tools, the same as
the $KKEDIT_DATADIR environment variable passed to the command
%h - Temporary file for displaying html in doc viewer, the same
as the $KKEDIT_HTMLFILE environment variable passed to the
command .
Selecting 'View Output' will send the output of the tool to a
pane in at the bottom of the editor, you can alter the size by
dragging the handle and hide/show the pane from the 'View'
menu, only stdout is captured from the output of the tool if
you want to capture stderr you must redirect it to stdout, you
can not capture stdin, if you need to interact with the tool
use the ' Run Tool In Terminal' option.
You can also optionally set a keyboard shortcut, just click in
the shortcut box, hold CONTROL and press another key with or
without SHIFT, to delete the shortcut just press the 'Delete'
The output pane will be shown automatically for any tool that
has this option selected, like so:

This example uses the 'Run As Root Script' tool available in
the 'Example External Tools' folder included with this
When using a tool that runs a command as root
and a GUI root privileges program has NOT been set the tool is
automatically run in a terminal.
Selecting 'Show HTML Doc' will display the file
$KKEDIT_HTMLFILE in either the Gtk Doc viewer or your
default browser, this is used
in the installed example tool 'Open Man Page' to display the
manpage of the selection ( if it exists and if
you have man2html installed, most people do
Only tools that have "Show Tool In Pop-Up Menu" selected will show up in
the pop-up menu if you have also selected some
Tools that have the "Always show In Popup"
selected will show in the popup menu regardless of whether any text is or is not selected.
Commands can be 'compound' commands i.e. 'cat /tmp/textfile|head' but
using pipes to a terminal may not always give what you want
i.e. 'xterm -hold -e 'cat
-f'' WILL work and show the tail of the file
but WILL NOT follow properly this is a
feature/problem of xterm and
beyond my control :(
complex commands create a script and set 'command' to the file
path of your script, file paths can be absolute
OR relative ( see the example scripts ).
Tools can be edited by selecting from the drop down list, if
you attempt to edit a globally installed tool ( i.e.i.e. one in /usr/share/KKEdit/tools ) you must
have root privileges.
You can also display a progress bar from your tool by selecting
the 'Use Prgress Bar' checkbox, a bar will be created for you
and you can control it by writing simple commands to a file,
the file path is contained in the environment variable
'$KKEDIT_BAR_CONTROL", you can write either a simple number
between 0 and 100 to set the gauge , 'pulse' to pulse the bar
and 'quit' to kill the bar, you do not need to specifically
write the 'quit' command as it will be sent automatically when
your tool ends, N.B. if you set your tool to run asynchronously
then you must send the 'quit' command your self.
There is an example of how to control the bar in the example
tools in /usr/share/KKEdit/Example External Tools.
The title of the progress bar window is automatically set to
the name of your tool.
The Prefs file is created ~/.KKEdit/kkedit.rc
and will be created/recreated when quitting KKEdit.
Preferences should be set from 'Edit->Preferences'
You can set the command to run an external tool in a terminal
from here.
Selecting 'Don't Open Duplicate File' will
switch to the tab of that file rather than opening another
Selecting 'Don't Warn On File Change' will suppress the waning
dialog when an open file is changed on disk ( by another app ),
the tab will still be updated.
The 'Run as Root Command' allows you to set your favorite
graphical root privileges program, if this is blank a terminal
will be used to ask for admin passwords ( See
here ), the 'Terminal command' will be used to open a
terminal, if this is blank then the default 'xterm -e' will be
You can also set the highlight colour of bookmarked lines, and
also whether to show the bookmarkbar.
You can also customize the keyboard shortcuts from here, just
click the button and you will get a dialog popup like so:

To change the default shortcut click in the relevant box and
press a CONTROL key and your choice of keys with or without
SHIFT, shortcuts MUST use CONTROL.
Repeat the above untill you have set all the shortcuts you want
and click 'Apply' to keep the changes or 'Cancel' to guess
You can also choose to open a file normally or by first reading
the link ( if it's a symlink ), this means that filepath will
either be the path to the link OR the path to the real file,
this is handy when using the 'Open' option from the tab menu as
you will either select files to open from the folder the link
is in or the folder were the real file is, try it and see it's
a lot less complicated than it sounds!
The 'Theme' can be set for the prefs via the
drop down, update of the current page is 'live', click 'Apply'
to set the theme globally or 'Cancel' to ignore changes.
Themes are stored in "/usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/styles" (
default installed themes ) or locally in
~/.gnome2/gedit/styles, for compatability with gedit as most
gktsourceview themes seem to be gedit-centric ;)

Customize The
Tool Bar
You can customize what appears on the tool bar by simply
clicking on a button to add it to the menu like so:
And then drag it to where you want it to appear on the toolbar
like so:
To remove an item from the toolbar just hold 'CONTROL' and
click on item to be removed.

Some items can only be added once 'Save', 'Open' etc when they
have been added they will be greyed out and can't be added
again, removing them makes them available again, the separator
and the expander can be used multiple times.
You can also choose to hide/show the toolbar from the 'View'
Other Features
Copy filename from tab
filepath from tab menu.
Spell check document from tab
Copy function define.
Go to function
Toggle bookmark.
Single or multiple
instance app.
as hexdump.
Find API
definition in Gtk Doc's.
Right clicking on a tab allows copying of the document
file name, file path, spell check the
document ,split/insplit the view, set the source highlighting
and quickly open other files in the same directory as the
current document ( handy for quickly opening header files
The document context
menu also contains the 'Go To Definition' function for
Selecting the definition will copy it to the clipboard.
If there is no valid definition selected the menu item will not
be shown.
The right click context menu:

Spell checker dialog
Any amount of bookmarks can be added, selecting
one will switch to that document and line.
Bookmarks are stored with the 'Save Session' and can be
restored with the 'Restore Session With Bookmarks' menu.
Bookmarks are now toggled so if you place the cursor on a line
with a bookmark it will add it if it's not already bookmarked
or remove the bookmark if it is, you can use the 'Toggle
Bookmark' menu from the main menu or the main context menu, you
can also just click in the bookmarks bar to toggle a mark on or
off ( you will see a little bookmark icon ).
You can also remove all bookmarks from all open documents by
selecting 'Remove All Bookmarks' from the menu.
can open a file as a hex dump ( this is NOT a hex editor though
that may change later ) like so:
Look up Gtk API
You can look up an API declaration from any
installed gtk-doc's installed by selecting all or part of an
API name like so:
And then selecting 'Search In Gtk-Docs' form
the Navigation menu or from the right click pop-up menu like
And if you have built with the
--enable-docviewer option to configure ( the default ) you will
get a window pop-up with a list of possible links to the API
you want, if there is only one possible link you will go
straight to that.
Click the Link:
Links can be clicked and followed in the Gtk
doc viewer, and functions etc can be copied and pasted into
your document.
you had selected all of the 'gtk_button_get_use_stock '
API name you would have gone straight to the screen shown.
You can also manually enter a search term in the box and press
'enter' or click 'find'.
You can search within the displayed page by entering a search
term in the box and clicking 'Down' to search forward and 'Up'
to search back..
Features include:
Can be set to automatically save and restore a
session ( with or without bookmarks ) when starting and
You can manually save and restore sessions via the 'File' menu,
you can also restore a session with or without the saved
bookmarks ( bookmarks are saved automatically with the session
), if you change a file on disk without re-saving the session
you may find that some bookmarks are skewed.
You can run KKEdit either as a single instance app or as a
multiple instance app , set via the prefs menu. Single
instances are unique to each workspace.
You can also open a new instance of KKEdit from
the file menu regardless of the prefs settings.
You can also open a new instance of KKEdit with
admin privileges from the file menu, You can set a GUI to gain
root privileges in the prefs window, I would recommend,
( Available here
), use 'gtksu --', ubuntu users
may have to use 'gtksu -- sudo' to stop gtk3 complaining, other
options ( depending on your system and what you have installed
are: 'gksu --', 'sudo -A' and so on,if no GUI to get root
privileges is installed a terminal will be used depending on
your preferences
Editing files with admin privileges can seriously damage your
system if used
Search and replace uses regex
expressions, the quick search on the toolbar does not, the text in the find/replace boxes are taken as literal
Escaped characters ( \n, \t etc ) are translated to their
'real' equivalents ie \t -> 0x9. To search for the string
'\n' you should use '\\n'.
The regex used by KKEdit uses extended regex but does
NOT use the perl '\s' to represent space, to include a space in
your search string use '[ ]' for single space '[ ]+' to
match one or more spaces etc and '[[:space:]]' to match
any whitespace ( including NL ).
You can find and replace in a single file or in
all open files, if you choose to do a
'Replace All' in
all open files you will be asked to confirm the action.
The 'Wrap' option to
find/replace is ignored when searching in all open
You can jump to a line using the toolbar entry:
You can do a 'live' search by just typing into
the toobar search box::
Split view mode:
The current source syntax colouring is now selectable via the 'tab' context
menu like so:
Be aware that the default highlighting for a
file is set by the mime-type system and so may
change after saving/loading. mime-types for a file can not usually be set manually but depends on system
auto magic stuff, file suffix

You can also turn on/off various bits and peices from the
'View' menu:

Code Completion
If you have turned on 'Auto Show Completion' in the prefs then
as you type you will be shown various code completion options
like so:

The amount of letters in word before the pop up appears is set
in the prefs.
You can also force the completion dialog to pop up by using a
keyboard shortcut ( set via the prefs ) like so:

As you can see in the above you can add a list of custom words
to add to the completion dialog by simpley creating the file
~/.KKEdit/customcompletions and adding words to it, the file
MUST end in a newline, if the file does not exist no 'Custom
Words' option will be shown.
Function and variable completions will show the definition when
the 'Details' button is toggled on, custom and document words
have no extra details.
Create Documentation with
You can create documentation for your code if
you have doxygen installed by selecting "Create Documentation"
from the 'File' menu, the documentation will be created in the
current folder and displayed with either the built in docviewer
or the system browser, the first time you run this there may be
a small delay while the initial files are created by doxygen,
after that selecting "Create Documentation" again just updates
the files, if there is not a file a called 'Doxyfile' in the
current folder a default config file is created for you, this
file can manually edited to suit your needs, I would recommend
that you also install Graphviz for the nice fancy flow charts,
most distros will have packages for these two apps.
If doxygen is NOT installed you won't have a "Create
Documentation" menu, just install it and ( optionally )
Graphviz and restart KKEdit and the menu will
Document Integration
There is some integration with the documents
crated by doxygen when, and only when using the built in
docview, select 'Documentation' form the 'File' menu and the
doc viewer will appear as above, there may be a bit of a delay
the first time you use this function while doxygen creates all
the necessary files, subsequent uses will be much faster as
doxygen will just update the needed files.
Click on the 'Files' tab to get a list of files, then SHIFT
click on a file name like so:
The doc viewer will open the page and the
editor will also either open the file or switch to the
appropriate tab like so:
Select a function for instance:
Shows this:
From here you can SHIFT click on the line
number ( RED ) to open the file/switch tab and goto the line in
the editor and the docs like so:
Shift clicking the file name ( BLUE ) will open
the file or switch tabs as above.
Clicking a reference ( GREEN ) will go to the documentaion for
that refence where you can again select a line number/file
You can also click on the various graph box's to go to a
function definition.
You can open a file by SHIFT clicking on a box in the include
dependency graph for a file like so:

This will open the file or switch to the relevant tab as
You can tweak the default doxyfile to add more/less info to the
The main change you will want to make to the file 'Doxyfile' is
to change the project name so open then file 'doxyfile' which
will be in the same folder as your source code and change
the line "PROJECT_NAME="My Project"" to somthing more
At the moment the documentation MUST be left in the html
folder created in the folder with your source code, this will
probably cjange later to allow you to set the folder for the
If you want more information on the various options available
in the doxyfile run 'doxygen -g' from the command line and a
default Doxyfile will be created which is heavily
KKedit now
supports simple 'c' plugins, an example plugin is available on
the plugins page, this will add a menu item to the 'Help' menu
which will display all the currently supported features of the
plugin system this is still a work in progress so bugs and
suggestions are welcome, I will be adding extra plugins that
will be available from this site but if you write a plugin or
just have an idea for one please let me know.
Plugins can be enabled/disabled from the 'Plugin Prefs' menu
from the 'Edit' menu.

There are two plugin folders that will be searched for plugins:
/usr/share/KKEdit/plugins and ~/.KKEdit/plugins, plugins can be
in subfolders and should be named like 'libPLUGNAME.so'
See the installed example plugin for basic features and a basic
Full details and extra
plugins can be found here:
Get it here!
A reasonably new Xorg and desktop.
wget or curl.
webkitgtk-1.10.x. (optional but recommended)
aspell- (optional but recommended)
(optional but recommended)
(optional but
(optional but
is is an optional dependency if you want to build the Gtk-Doc
viewer disable by adding --disable-docviewer to ./configure or
Spell checking via aspell is optional and can
be enabled with the '--enable-aspell' switch to ./configure or
The presence of "GtkSu" and "Manpage
Editor" are detected at configure and if installed will be
used, in the case of GtkSu this is used to get admin
privileges when opening a root editor from the
file menu, if Manpage Editor is detected a menu
item is added to the file menu, both can be downloaded from
this website.
Glib-Networking is a runtime dependency
and is used to do a google search if "Open Man
page" or "Search in GTK-Docs" can't find
If you use a source based distro like LFS or
Slackware you should have all(most) of these installed, if you
use a pre-packaged distro like debian and you have not compiled
from source before you may have to install some development
packages i.e.i.e. for debian ( this is
from memory ) the build-essential package and the -dev packages
for gtk2 and
gtksourceview, check your distros documentation and you distros
forums for general help on compiling software.
Unpack the tar ball,cd into the KKEdit folder
and run:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --enable-aspell --enable-docviewer
sudo make install
( ./configure can now be used instead of
./autogen.sh - no need for autotools ).
See the 'INSTALL' file for full
Reporting Bugs
Please send bug reports, feature suggestions, large bags of jewels etc to:
Mail me
I will get back to you as soon as I can.